Board of Directors

The leadership of Liberty National Bank is composed of a very diverse and knowledgeable team who are responsible for the direction of the organization. The board has a strategic role in providing the vision, mission, and goals of the organization. At LNB, the board of directors meet monthly to assess the future and analyze the past in efforts of maximizing profits, reducing risk, and staying abreast of the ever-changing financial world.

Meet our Board of DirectorS 

Buddy Green 400
Clayton L. Green, Jr.
Rick Walker 400
Rick J. Walker
George Bridges  
George I. Bridges, D.D.S.

Michael L. Lauderdale  
Michael F. Lauderdale

Kim Shoemake  
Kim W. Shoemake


Mark Henry  
Mark A. Henry


Chris Graham  
Chris A. Graham


Jeffery W. Cummins  
Jeffery W. Cummins


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